It is our first Sunday back from our 3 week vacation in Kunming and we decided that instead of taking our taxi driver t0 go to church in Suzhuo and back to Wuxi (cost 400 RMB). We would take first a bus to the train station (45 minutes - 3 RMB), wait for the train to leave (15 minutes), then a (G) fast train (13 minutes - 40 RMB), and finally a taxi (20 minutes- 25 RMB) going one way, and the same going home. This time it would be a total of 146 RMB round trip. We decided that is one thing we have "lots of time", so let's save some money.
The above is a picture of Jay sitting on the bus, this is me and if you think I am cold, you are right. It is cold.
When we got to train station we didn't have tickets, so we bought two on the next train our and so we had to wait 45 minutes, but now we know it leaves at 11 min. after every hour, so that will help the next time we won't have to stay so long in the train station.
This is Jay sitting in the station. He is in the first picture of the station, but I don't know if you can see him, I can because I took the picture.
This is everyone in a line getting ready to get on our train. I decided I needed to get down below if I was going to make it on, but we do have assigned seats and so far it hasn't left without us, even though it only stops for 3 minutes to pick up passengers.
In every train or bus station there is a KFC or if you are lucky a McDonalds. After reading an article from my daughter-in-law, Adrienne Thelin, about chicken McNuggets, I have decided not to eat them anymore.
The chapel inside the church. To have a meeting place, it has to be in a home of an LDS member. So, we are late for church by a half hour this week. But next time we will get our tickets early (the day before) and take the 8:11 AM train. If we can figure out what bus would take us get close to the church we could save 10 to 20 RMB. That will have to be learned in another adventurous moment in time.
This is the outside of the home/church. The family who lives there only uses the top floor and the kitchen. Notice the tall building behind the church. It is nicknamed the Pants Building, because when it is finished it will look like a pair of pants.
This is Below is a picture of Jay in front of it. After church we had thought we would go to Shanghai for a couple of days and see a few sights, but it was so cold we just went to eat at this Mexican Restaurant, not quite Mia Rancheritos, as they didn't have any cheese, but the meat and chips and salsa, salads and everything else was great. We left to go to church at 7:30 am and arrived home at 4:30 PM. It turned into cold but still a really great day. Looking forward to warmer weather. I think that next week should find us in Shanghai for a visit and to see Parami Gunarantna.
Introduction To Zodiac Signs
9 months ago