Friday, January 15, 2010

The Bay View Inn

Bay View Inn. Where we stayed.

At Bay View Inn the first floor is the hostel part and the rooms are really a good price. Each level up get more expensive. They showed us the one that was $90 a night and it was really nice with a Jacuzzi for a bathtub and painted really nice and a wonderful deck off the room. It was on the 4 floor. Remember in China they do not put in elevators until they have 6+ floors.
Our room and me pumping up our air mattress. In Suzhou we lost our pump so after sleeping one night with out our air mattress we knew we needed to find a new one. The island is really simple. Lost of tourist shops but no hardware stores. Well we had some one write down the word for air pump in Chinese and we set out trying to find one. It was great to get the help and us doing the acting of what it was like and finally after going down a couple of back streets we found an bike pump. It is hard to believe we found it, because bikes are not allowed on the island.
The island at night
An amazing underground aquarium.
Far end of the island-- we took a golf cart to see this lovely garden area
This inside the garden. We thought this monkey wall caves would be a perfect place to play steal the flag.

Dana Lee Thelin,
Shandong University,
Jinan, China

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