Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hong Kong Trip

We are in HONG KONG. We bumped into an American business man from Provo, Utah. His name is Kelly Olsen. We talked with him on the ferry across the bay. He is one of the 5 principles of Tahitian Noni. He told us that Noni juice is being sold inside mainland China and Hong Kong. He was a kind and friendly man. We told him that we had attended one of our grandchildren's piano recitals in his Orem Tahitian Noni Business Complex. It was nice to meet him. Love that Noni Juice!

Chinese Spring Festival is upon us and love is in the air. We are on a two month winter vacation from our University English teaching. This is in Kowloon, across the bay from Hong Kong.

Jay and Dana in Xiamen on tour of that large Chinese city.

Hats like this are sold to tourist. You seldom see any Chinese wearing such hats. This one had my brother Ron's name on it. I saw this same hat at another vendor for the same price of about $2.00 American dollars, but it was spelled: Ronalddino. Which one is correct? Interesting to me as an English teacher and a personalized products man.

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