Thursday, March 18, 2010

PHASE: Alive and Well in China.


Dana's PHASE (Peers Helping Advance Self Esteem) leadership Program at Shandong Universtiy, Jinan, China:

This Group of students could perform the name game without missing, the longest of any group.

Here their knees are touching and they keep with the beat of "Let The Name Game Begin"

Each group has a leader who has been trained to do "Listening" Leadership Activities.

If you have done PHASE in the past in Utah, you remember the part where you have to talk to someone you know the least. Instead of talking about Panic, Hope, Achievments, something they have seen, or what is entertaining, they change the conversation to talk about their hometown of JINAN and just what makes them Joyful, feel Important, Need things, remember their Ancestors, or what makes them feel Necessary in their lives. They must do this activity in a circle, face to face. There are no carpets to sit on in the classrooms, so I bought some material for one classroom in one of my assigned building for those groups to sit you can see below. They love it.
In Building 9 the halls are too dirty so this is these English Class groups that have stools to
circle--ize on.

Students sit on some of my 31 stools in various outside class locations on the first floor. Right now it really cold here in Jinan but in just a few weeks, we will be going outside into the warm air to do our group leadership PHASE activities.
We are short 31 stools so I have 3 groups sit on part of the desks so they can form a odd shaped circle.

It has been exciting to see this PHASE Leadership program work with my 200 Freshmen Medical students. They are developing some great Leadership skills that I hope will help them as they use their English in the years to come. First semester they learned how to brain storm. This week I watched as they applied what they learned last year as they work with their groups. I am so proud of them!


Marianne Thelin said...

I happen to spot this..."Phase" haveing seen you in action Dana, I am so happy you can share your incredible talents in China, they are so fortunate to have you!

Sarah said...

Go PHASE!!! Some of my fondest memories come from that program....good job Dana!

Tiffany said...

I have many many found memories of PHASE and am so happy it is continues to thrive halfway across the world.

POP POP said...

In China PHASE could stand for: "People Having A Super Experience!" Keep on doing it, even if your funding is cut. Life must go on. PHASE must go on. I love PHASE and I love you too.

I love you. Jay