On our trip to Beijing, on Sunday evening at the "TEMPLE OF HEAVEN", a wonderful tourist attraction in Beijing, we saw a marvelous celebration of Chinese Culture.
These people apparently love to sing and dance. They had gathered with their fellowmen and women to enjoy mutual fun and fellowship. They were singing songs of the Mother Land and otherwise trying to entertain the group with musical instruments, chinese folk songs and traditional dance.
They were entertaining others....kind of like an open mike night in Austin, or Kareoke night. We saw choirs of men all singing loudly while all trying to push and shove toward the front and center of the group. They seemed to be singing old Military, Country and/or Patriotic, heart felt songs. Some were feeling really good, clearly a few french fries short of a happy meal however.
One of these men called me over and indicated that he really liked my new fur hat. However, he kept trying to straighten my red star so the point stayed straight upward.
These are short videos or singing and dancing samples, posted for your cultural information and entertainment.
One singer was trying to hit the high notes of the chinese folk song and well, she simply choked!
If you want to learn these songs, simply sing along until you know the words...
the singing so so funny. It is the wierdests sound. That high pitched nazel singing.
Hey Mom, I first read your blog title about Kareoke and i thought Oh No Mom Singing this can not be good, but I see you didn't haha I think it is so great that you always laugh at yourself, my kids laugh at me and the way I sing with vibrado in Pop songs so I guess its my pay back for making fun of you all of these years, in fact I guess these high school years are my pay back too, Ha ha I always just think after a good night sleep everything will be better, and you know what? It always is! Love you Trish
hello grandma and popop, this is abby and lilly, how has your trip been? you look like you are having tons of fun! this thanksgiving was very boring without you. we all love you, and your blogs rock!!!!!!!!!!
that was hillarious!!! how she was tring to make the high note. when i saw that it reminded me of vanessa. we heart you so much
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